Standing in the dark is a terrifying thought. It's where the demons live and where they grow.
Keeping your brightness strong enough to withstand the darkness is also a terrifying idea.
It's lonely in the dark. It's hard to see in the dark. It's hard to see which way you're going if you're the only source of light.
So don't stand alone. Let your friends, family, and other people that bring you good vibes help you find your way. Surround yourself by those that also shine bright, that help you brighten your light.
Your people will guide you along the tunnel. You may not see them. You may not even hear them through the snarls and growls of the darkness, but never forget that they are there. Listen for them, speak to them. Call for their light, they'll guide you. Just imagine a game of Marco Polo except when you close your eyes your demons are there to meet you and keep you from your Polo.
Your demons will feed on your brighter soul. Don't let them dim your light. Fight them off. Your brightness is yours and no one else's. Feed your brightness with those that help you shine brighter, not those that diminish it.